Market Day

We welcome one and all to set up your tables, blankets and stalls during the Market day. Why not seize the opportunity to sell off some outgrown garb or extra feast gear?

Thursday May 29th 2024

On the List Field, 11 am to 4 pm

We welcome businesses, private sellers and flea markets.


Selling at the market is free but you need to provide your own table/seating/cover.


  • Please make sure that no modern materials (i.e. plastic bags or trunks) are visible to keep the dream alive.
  • No smoking in your stall/tent (smoking is only allowed in the smoking area behind the Troll tent)
  • Only medievalish or medieval/SCA related merchandise will be allowed on this market
  • Market participation (especially if you have a tent/stall) needs to be registered in advance to grant you a spot (and also so that we know in advance if we need to move to a larger area!)
  • Vendors need to be dressed in an attempt at garb (600-1600). If you need help, please contact the autocrat in charge.

It's IMPERATIVE that you contact the market coordinator well in advance before market day, and especially before setting up your tent/stall so that we can fit everyone in and make the best market we can.

Want to stay on site?

You have two options, but they both start with you registering like everyone else for the event (register here).

  1. Stay in camp and have a blanket on ground/stall/tent/table at the market.
  2. Have a tent/stall at the market and sleep there too.

After your registration we will contact you for more information about the market itself and the area you will require.

If you have questions about the market day, please reach out to the coordinator in charge. You can find their contact information on the autocrat page.

Already registered participants:



Double Wars Lost & Found auction

After the market closes at 4 p.m. we welcome you all to participate in the nail biting event that is the Double wars auction!

Let [TBD] guide you through the findings of Double Wars way past and give you the opportunity to buy the odd cloth you never wanted because he sold it attached to the spoon you actually did want. It’s all for a good cause and the children and youth of Double Wars thank you for your bids in advance.

NB! You are always most welcome to over bid on things as long as you put your money where your mouth is.