We will fight and compete to decide which side of the bread is the right one to butter: holey or flat? The Knäckebread War will start early this year, so be prapared at all times to fight for your side!
Which side are you on?
All battles are not fought on the battlefield and YOU can be the hero that tips the scale! During the week there will be different challenges and games each day that will earn your side points in the great battle.
Since time immemorial we’ve met this time of year to decide who is in the right (until we forget again).
This year you will be able to participate and contribute to your side in the following events:
No registration needed to participate in the war, but make sure to check the schedule to see when the events start.
We invite you to a series of games that will be both fun and challenging.
Several call for more than one player from each side - so start gathering likeminded folks and be ready to cheer for your champions.
The games of each day TBA:
Sunday -
Monday -
Thursday -
Wednesday -
Thursday -
If you have questions about the Knäcke War, please reach out to the coordinator in charge. You can find their contact information on the autocrat page.
Vera Kovatcheva
Marina Hägg
Looking for help in a specific area?
All photos from past Double Wars by Jonas Evertsson