Below you'll find the guidelines we refer to for creating the safest and most welcoming event for everybody.
In case of any disagreement the main autocrats always have the final word.
We ask all participants to cancel your trip if you experience any symptoms of transmittable diseases in the days before the event. If you become ill during the event, we might ask you to leave the site so that as few people as possible are exposed and infected.
We also ask everyone to maintain excellent hand hygiene and other necessary precautions to prevent the catching or spreading of the dreaded event plague (= all kinds of viruses that always seem to affect many participants after SCA events).
The SCA prohibits harassment and bullying of all individuals and groups. Harassment and bullying includes, but is not limited to the following:
Offensive or lewd verbal comments directed to an individual.
The display of explicit images (drawn or photographic) depicting an individual in an inappropriate manner.
Photographing or recording individuals inappropriately to abuse or harass the individual.
Inappropriate physical contact, unwelcome sexual attention, or retaliation for reporting harassment and/or bullying.
Participants violating these rules are subject to appropriate sanctions. If an individual feels subjected to harassment, bullying or retaliation, they should contact a seneschal, President of the SCA, or the Kingdom’s Board Ombudsman (Yes, this is an actual English word!).
If a participant of the SCA becomes aware that someone is being harassed or bullied, they have a responsibility pursuant to the SCA Code of Conduct to come forward and report this behaviour to a seneschal, President of the SCA or Kingdom’s Board Ombudsman.
Over the years we have worked to make Double Wars the best event in Drachenwald, but there are still areas we can improve on.
We are aware that the Double Wars site comes with many modern luxuries such as indoor plumbing, electric lights, windows and heating which people did not have in the Middle Ages.
But we kindly ask that you do not bring computers, electronic games etc. to the public areas. The same thing goes for cell phones. Please avoid using them in public areas and if you need to make a call do so discreetly.
If you want to use a computer, electronic game or mobile phone, please feel free to do so in the private areas on site. All sleeping quarters and pavilions are private areas.
This is no different from keeping our mundane cans and bottles hidden as best as we can. Together we can make the illusion and the Dream even more real.
If you wish to bring a pet (small pets such as dog, cat, rat etc.) you have to hace permission to do so from the autocrats.
The cleaning autocrat will inspect your sleeping and camping area before you leave the event – contact them to have your area checked and the cleaning approved.
Please note that you are only to throw away your water from cleaning your camp in the designated day-water wells that are placed in the camping area.
The sink outside the side of the tavern is used for eating utensils only. Rinse your plates, bowls etc. and throw leftovers into the green garbage container.
There is a specific area for cleaning your pots and pans. This station is located outdoors in the period camp near the showers. Wash up cooking utensils, pots and pans in this separate station, to keep soot, grease and stuff out of the water people wash their eating utensils in.
Hot water is available at the outdoor stations. You are allowed to fill your wash tub with this water, but you are not allowed to rinse your dishes with flowing hot water.
We have one main recycling station. The Recycling station is a large dumpster for burnable materials, containers for organic garbage, smaller containers for glass (coloured and clear), metal, plastic etc. There is also containers for empty beer, cider and soda cans in plastic and aluminum.
If you see one of the public containers full, please help out by emptying it in the appropriate place.
There will be an extra-large recycling bag for returnable bottles and cans (plastic and aluminum), recycle your bottles and cans in these.
Du hittar informationen på svenska längre ner.
To make it safe and a good experience for all participants at DW there are a few ground rules for children and youths and their parents that you as a parent must be aware of:
För att göra det säkert och en bra upplevelse för alla deltagare på DW finns det några spelregler för barn och ungdomar och deras föräldrar som du som förälder måste känna till.
Vi behöver spara och behandla personuppgifter om dig, så som namn, SCA-namn, kontaktuppgifter och väsentliga sjukdomar och allergier du vill att arrangörerna vet om. Syftet med en sådan behandling är för att kunna hantera din anmälan till Double Wars 2025.
Vi har fått dina uppgifter från det dokument ni fyllt i för er anmälan. Vi tillämpar vid var tid gällande integritetslagstiftning vid all behandling av personuppgifter. Den rättsliga grunden för att behandla dina personuppgifter är samtycke. Du har när som helst rätt att återkalla ditt samtycke till behandlingen. Ett återkallande påverkar inte lagligheten av behandlingen innan samtycket återkallades. Ett återkallande av ditt samtycke före eller under eventet innebär även att du inte kommer kunna delta på eventet, ordinarie regler för betalning/återbetalning av avgifter associerade med eventet gäller.
Dina uppgifter kommer att sparas i maximalt ett år, de raderas efter att eventet är ekonomiskt redovisat.
De personuppgifter vi behandlar om dig delas med Autokratgruppen. Vi kan även komma att dela dina personuppgifter med en tredje part, förutsatt att vi är skyldiga att göra så enligt lag. Däremot kommer vi aldrig att överföra dina uppgifter till ett land utanför EU.
Personuppgiftsansvariga är Marina Hägg och Vera Kovatcheva,
Du har rätt att kontakta oss om du vill ha ut information om de uppgifter vi har om dig, för att begära rättelse eller begära radering av dina uppgifter. Detta gör du enklast genom att kontakta oss på Om du har klagomål på vår behandling av dina personuppgifter har du rätt att inge klagomål till SKA Nordmarks styrelse eller tillsynsmyndigheten Datainspektionen.
We need to save and use your personal data such as name, SCA name, contact details and important illnesses and allergies that you want the event organizers to know about. The purpose of using your information is to organize Double Wars 2025.
We have collected your information through the forms you have filled out when you registered for the event. We follow the current data protection laws when using your information. In filling out the registration form you have given your approval for us to save and use your personal data. Y
ou can at any time take back this approval but doing so before or during the event will mean you cannot attend the event. The regular rules for payment and reimbursement will apply in such a case.
Your personal data will be saved for up to one year and be erased after the event finances have been approved.
Your information will be used and shared with parts of the Autocrat group. We may also share your information with a third party if we are required to do so by law. We will not share your information with anyone outside of the EU.
Responsible for personal data are Marina Hägg och Vera Kovatcheva, You can contact us to find out what information we have about you, to have the information corrected or deleted. You can do this by contacting If you have complaints about how we use your personal data you can complain to the board of the SKA Nordmark or to Datainspektionen.
Vera Kovatcheva
Marina Hägg
Looking for help in a specific area?
All photos from past Double Wars by Jonas Evertsson