Indoor Sleeping

The Double Wars site has 59 indoor beds, mostly bunk beds in shared rooms. Only a minority of the beds are accessible without having to climb.

Allotment of Beds

We assign beds based on different priority groups rather than time of registration. Registration for indoor sleeping will be open for two weeks (March 1st - 14th 2025) before any bed-assigning is done!

If there are more people with equal priority than there are beds available then beds will be allotted by luck of the draw.

Regarding illness and handicap we will likely need to be very stringent in our judgement of motivations. Issues that can be handled with altered behaviour, medication or similar will not be judged as impossible to sleep in a tent. Prioritization of individuals in these groups will be done on an individual basis if necessary.

We reserve the right to make adjustments to the priority groups as we see fit up until all beds have been assigned.

Good to know

Pillows and duvets are included. Please bring your own bed linens.

There will be a minimum of floor space and storage space for luggage and clothing available for those living indoors.

None of the buildings are considered to be handicap accessible.

We respect your privacy, here is how specifically in realtion to indoor sleeping request.

Priority Groups

1. Specially prioritized autocrats (with families) and invited teachers.

2. Illness or handicap which makes sleeping outdoors in a tent impossible – motivation necessary.

3. Royalty (King & Queen of Drachenwald, Crown Prince & Crown Princess of Drachenwald, Prince & Princess of Nordmark, King & Queen of visiting kingdoms).

4. Children (under 10 years old) to people in groups 2 & 3 who have been granted indoor sleeping where there is no other adult present at the event.

5. Illness or handicap which makes sleeping outdoors in a tent difficult (including severe allergies) – motivation necessary.

6. Children, teenagers or adult family to people in any of the above groups who have been granted indoor sleeping.

7. Families with small children (under 10 years old).

8. People with other special reasons to sleep indoors that do not fit into any of the above categories – motivation necessary.

9. People who are travelling from far away to come to the event.

10. People who really would like to sleep indoors but have no special reasons.

Request Indoor Sleeping

If you request indoor sleeping at signup you will directly get a link to a seperate Indoor Sleeping Questionnaire to copy and paste into a new browser tab/window and fill out.

In this questionnaire you can choose which priority group you feel you belong to, motivation for this if necessary and any other relevant details we need in order to best assign the indoor sleeping spaces.

This questionnaire should be filled out as quickly as possible but at the latest by the 14th day after registration is open.

After this date a list will be created based on the priority groups and those at the top of the list will be assigned indoor sleeping spaces. If someone declines the offer of an indoor spot or later cancels their spot then the bed will be offered to the next person on the waiting list.

Anyone who registers for the event after the 14th day and requests indoor sleeping will be placed at the bottom of the waiting list based on date and time of registration.

Any special circumstances or the priority groups will not be taken into account for registrations after the 14th day.

Due to the large number of people expected to request indoor sleeping all indoor beds must be paid within 14 days of receiving information that a bed has been granted.

Beds which are unpaid after 14 days will be given to the next person on the waiting list.


Due to the need of motivations for several of the priority groups and the nature of this information may be considered very private all judgement of prioritization will be handled by a group of three people.

No one outside of this group will be able to read or otherwise get knowledge about what is written in the motivations.

This group consists of Isabetta del Verde (Clara Brandkvist), Ingrid Audardotter (Annika Nyman) and Gilliam Blackhorn (Anders Olsson).
