Greetings and welcome to the heavy fighting at Double Wars!
You are equally welcome regardless if you at any given time chose to be a participant, a spectator, a marshal, helping out setting up or taking down the various fields, carrying drinks or otherwise making it possible for all to be safe, have good time and enjoy the happenings.
This year we are aiming to have a good variety of fighting related activities to both display the possible diversity and also cater to many preferences. We are hoping for a number of tournaments, melee scenarios, classes and of course an open field for pickups.
You can find a brief introduction to what heavy fighting in the SCA is here.
If you feel that there is a particular happening that you would like to make happen do not hesitate to contact us. Ideas are most welcome and all things need someone to make them happen.
Authorizations will be given some time provided we can find able and willing people to help out with this, it is still a few months to go and many are not sure about their vacation and travels. If you can help out please let us know. We would however recommend that you get these authorizations done prior to the event. That way you’ll avoid that extra stress at the event and also are ready to go and fight right from the start.
Also, take some time during the spring to look over your armor and make sure that it is in good repair and will hold up for a week full of activities. Give the helmet and it’s padding some extra attention. Doing this ahead of time will give your more time to enjoy the event.
Have fun and make friends on and off the field!
Please contact the responsible coordinator if you want to get involved in running a Tournament, Melees or Wars or just have questions about the Heavy Fighting.
Double Wars is for many the start of the event season, and as usual all armours and weapons need to be maintained and inspected regularly. As usual the armour of each fighter needs to be inspected and approved by one of the appointed Marshals.
If you have questions about the activities, please reach out to the coordinators in charge. You can find their contact information on the autocrat page.
Sunday May 25th
We are happy to announce that the Nordmark principality tournament will be held during Double Wars XXXVI in Attemark.
The participants will be restricted to only use a sword and a buckler that has a diameter under 31 cm.
The tournament will be held in torchlight.
After the winners are announced they will become Tan and Tanista and will be crowned later in the event.
We accept your letter of intent from now on until the 1 of May 2025.
If you reside within Nordmark and wish to participate please send an email with you letter to Drots Elsa Snakenborg (Maria Nordström) at
Vera Kovatcheva
Marina Hägg
Looking for help in a specific area?
All photos from past Double Wars by Jonas Evertsson