Don't Panic!
CLARA BRANDKVIST: +46 702-252726
(Duchessa Isabetta del Verde)
MARINA HÄGG: +46 70 208 94 89
(Baroness Tova af Attemark)
VERA KOVATCHEVA: +46 70 44 122 47
(Dona Gracia Ferraro da Varena)
Emergency Number: 112
Ambulance (non critical: Simrishamn: +46 414-161 81
Police (non critical): Simrishamn: 114 14
Medical information: (non critical): 1177 (or
Primary care (non critical): Capio clinic (vårdcentral), Simrishamn +46 414-150 50
Hospital Emergency department (akutmottagning) open 24 hours every day.
Emergency Information
Poison information: Stockholm: +46 10-456 67 00
Alarm number for missing children: 116 000
Defibrillator is on the wall in the entrance to the tavern.
Sjöröds Lägerområde
Gyllebo 116
CODE TO THE BOOM GATE: contact the Autocrats
Always check the breathing and airways of the injured person. Have in mind that there can be injuries that you can’t see.
Do not move an injured person – only move them if it’s life threatening. Call 1177 if more support is needed.
1. CRITICAL SITUATION: call or have someone else to call 112 and BEGIN CPR.
2. SEVERE: call Clara Brandkvist: +46 702-252726 (Duchess Isabetta del Verde)
3. ALL OTHER ACCIDENTS: call autocrat on duty or main autocrats
MARINA HÄGG: +46 70 208 94 89 (Baroness Tova af Attemark)
VERA KOVATCHEVA: +46 70 44 122 47 (Dona Gracia Ferraro da Varena)
In case of a weak small bleed, you can wash the wound (soap and water)and then let it dry and put on a bandaid.
If there is a slowly flowing bleed, you are to wash the wound, put a tourniquet and contact Clara (Duchess Isabetta del Verde), 1177 or the hospital.
If the blood is pulsating or heavy flowing you have to put a hard pressure on the wound. Try to keep the wound closed and the injured body part high.
Call Clara (Duchess Isabetta del Verde) +46 702-252726 and 112 for an ambulance.
Internal bleeding can come from a violent heavy blow to the abdomen or other parts of the body.
The injured can go into shock.
Cool down the scorched area with cold water
for 5-10 minutes.
A burn that is bigger than your hand or if the scorch is in the face, over joints or near genitals, call for Clara (Duchess Isabetta del Verde) or 1177 to get further instructions.
The part of the body that has received the bite is to be held high. Everyone that has been bitten has to go to the emergency, if there is no severe reaction, the bitten person is to be driven to the hospital.
If the person is unconscious start mouth to mouth resuscitation.
If the person has no pulse, START CPR. Call 112.
If a person has received a severe blow to the head, he or she should be under supervision.
If they gets a headache, dizziness, nausea or gets very tired, call 1177 and describe the symptoms to get further instructions.
If they get unconscious call 112.
If you think a person has an injury due to electrical shock, immediately unplug the appliance or tool if possible, or move the person away from the powersource, but make sure you yourself are safe.
If they are unconscious, start CPR and call 112.
Everyone that has been in an accident with electricity has to go to the hospital for further examination.
Symptoms of an a strong allergic reaction:
If the person has an EpiPen it is to be used immediately if you suspect a severe allergic reaction. It is never dangerous to give a dose from an EpiPen, even if it is unnecessary. You can also give Betapred (10-12 pills dissolved in water) and/or an antihistamine pill if the person can swallow.
Keep a calm surrounding around a person that has an allergic reaction, keep the airways free and give mouth to mouth resuscitation if necessary.
If a person has a severe allergic reaction call 112.
In case of a big seizure - grand mal - the person suddenly goes unconscious and starts cramping.
In case of a minor seizure - petit mal - the person that suffers the episode, seems absent and doesn’t react when spoken to, for a shorter period of time.
During a big seizure you are to place the person carefully on the ground, floor, bunk or sofa in recovery position and he or she is to be kept warm.
Others who observe the seizure often think it looks scary and needs to be calmed down.
Keep track of how long the seizure lasts, often there is some medicine that should be given (which the autocrats or the persons close ones will know).
If the seizure doesn't end within 2-5 minutes, call 112.
If a person has a seizure without known epilepsy call 112.
All the gathering spots are in front of the stone wall by the sauna. Every camp has to stay together to make the counting easier.
The person i charge of each camp is responsible for counting everyone in his or her camp and give information about the result of the count to the autocrat on duty.
The autocrat on duty is responsible for making sure that everybody in each group is present.
Vera Kovatcheva
Marina Hägg
Looking for help in a specific area?
All photos from past Double Wars by Jonas Evertsson